// Energy supply

Maturity interest on EEG levy in case of insufficient reporting by the utility company

On 18. 02. 2020, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) took a position on the question of whether interest on the EEG levy is to be paid when reporting insufficient quantities of electricity compared to the actual electricity supply. According to the judgment, an electricity supply undertaking infringes the notification obligation i. S. d. § 60 paragraph 4 sentence 2 EEG 2014 pursuant to § 74 sentence 1 EEG 2014 not only if it does not report any electricity supplied at all, but also if it notifies the transmission system operator of a lower quantity of electricity than that actually supplied to final consumers. By introducing maturity interest, the legislator wanted to prevent financing gaps arising for transmission system operators and to ensure that electricity supply companies do not gain an advantage from late payment and thus gain competitive advantages over compliant electricity supply companies ( BGH, Judgment. v. 18. 02. 2020 - Ref: XIII ZR 10/19)
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// Energy supply

Act to accelerate the expansion of power lines on the way

The Federal Government initiates the parliamentary procedure with the draft law for the acceleration of the power line extension of 28. 01. 2019 (BT-Drs. 19/7375). The Act provides for corrections to the Transmission System Network Expansion Acceleration Act"; (NABEG) as well as accompanying amendments to other laws, in particular the Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The law is to lead to an increase in transport capacities through the expansion and upgrading of the high-voltage and high-voltage grids. To this end, the planning and approval procedures in particular are to be simplified.
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// Energy supply

Self-sufficiency & general electricity supply in the real estate industry

The #Clearingstelle #EEG #KWKG has already published on December 13, 2018, a notice on #self-sufficiency for so-called general electricity. Self-sufficiency within the meaning of § 61 EEG 2017 also applies in the case of personal identity between the plant operator and the operator of consumption facilities for cooling or heating parts of buildings, community lighting and lifts. In this respect, the Clearingstelle EEG KWKG creates legal clarity for the use of #solar plants and #BHWK in the real estate industry. At the same time, the necessary differentiation from other electrical quantities, e. g. #tenant electricity is pointed out. (Clearingstelle EEG KWKG, Note from 13. 12. 2018 - Ref. : 2018/10)
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// Energy supply

Systemrelevantes Gaskraftwerk im EnWG

Das OLG Düsseldorf hat sich jüngst dazu geäußert, wann ein Gaskraftwerk systemrelevant ist und in der Folge der Betreiber, soweit technisch und rechtlich möglich sowie wirtschaftlich zumutbar, eine Absicherung der Leistung durch Inanspruchnahme von Möglichkeiten für einen Brennstoffwechsel vorzunehmen hat. Das Gericht entschied auf Grundes des § 13f EnWG, dass im Falle einer Einschränkung der Gasversorgung die infolge eines teilweisen Ausfalls des Übertragungsnetzes zu erwartenden Schäden in ein angemessenes Verhältnis zu dem Eingriff in die Rechte der Anlagenbetreiber gestellt werden müssen. Jedoch genüge aufgrund der hohen Bedeutung der #Versorgungssicherheit und der Schwere der durch einen Netzausfall eintretenden Schäden mit Gefahren auch für Leib und Leben von Menschen für die Gefahrenprognose ein niedriger Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrad. (OLG Düsseldorf, Beschl. v. 19.12.2018 - Az.: 3 Kart 117/17 (V))
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// Energy supply

Market Master Data Register (MaStR) online now!

The Market Master Data Register (MaStR) is the register for the German electricity and gas market and is managed by the Federal Network Agency. In MaStR, the master data for electricity and gas generation plants must be registered. In addition, the master data of market players such as plant operators, grid operators, and energy suppliers must be registered. MaStR is available online not only to the authorities but also to market players and the public. At the same time, various existing registration obligations are to be bundled in the market master data register. Due to the repeated postponement of the opening of the web portal, however, the registration obligations could only be fulfilled insufficiently so far or had to be carried out for EEG plants in the plant register.
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// Energy supply

First certification of a Smart Meter Gateway

The Federal Office for Security and Information Technology (#BSI) issued the first certificate based on the protection profile for the #Smart #Meter #Gateway according to a press release dated 20. 12. 2018. Now, at the customer's request, an intelligent measuring system can already be installed. The obligatory #rollout for #SmartMeter by the responsible #measuring point operator, however, does not begin until a total of three successful certification procedures have been completed, cf. § 30 Messstellenbetriebsgesetz (#MsbG), whereby, according to information from the BSI, a further eight certification procedures are currently in progress.
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