Biomass and biogas
We advise and accompany you on all questions concerning biomass and biogas. We support you in drafting contracts in connection with the construction and operation of biogas plants. In particular, we advise you on all necessary permits that may be required for the operation of the plant, among other things, according to building and immission control law in accordance with the German Building Code (BauGB) and the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). In addition, other legal provisions such as those from the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance (BioSt-NachV), the Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV), the Gas Grid Charges Ordinance (GasNEV) and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG) must be observed when implementing a biogas or biomass project. We also specialise in drafting general contractor agreements for the construction of biogas plants and all related issues.
We also offer our expertise when it comes to marketing the electricity generated with biogas or biomass or if you want to resell biogas as a raw material. We are also familiar with all issues relating to the connection to the grid and the feed-in of biogas.
Our consulting services //
- Consultation and monitoring of the approval for biogas plants, biogas feed-in plants, biomethane plants
- Drafting and advising on the conclusion of marketing contracts for electricity, biomethane, raw biogas and flexibilities
- Answering questions on the Renewable Energies Act
- Support and advice in connection with the expansion of existing biogas plants
- Development and advice on input supply contracts
- Development of joint ventures for the construction and operation of biogas plants and biomethane plants
- Review of grid connection requests to the gas and electricity grid
Our clients //
- Plant operator
- Project developer
- Public utilities
- Landowner
- Agricultural holdings