We advise and support you in the area of local and district heating and combined heat and power and connect the interface of energy law, tenancy law and building regulation law issues, such as the requirements of the Building Energy Act (GEG) We also support you in the implementation of the gas and heat price brakes under the Natural Gas Heat Price Brakes Act (EWPBG), for example, on the question of classification as a beneficiary end consumer, in cases of onward transmission, on calculating the amount of relief and on the landlords’ obligations to pass on and provide information or on the prohibition of abuse.

We specialise in the integration of local and district heating solutions in decentralised energy concepts and holistic contracting solutions, e.g. in neighbourhood development. In this context, we draft, review and negotiate contracts for the construction of decentralised supply systems (plant purchase contracts, project takeover contracts, general contractor contracts, etc.). Furthermore, we advise you on the construction of district and local heating networks (road use contracts with municipalities, land use contracts, easements, permits, subsidies, etc.) and draft, develop and review heating and cooling supply contracts and district heating bylaws.

We advise and accompany you in the event of conflicts regarding heat prices and price adjustments and provide legal support in the conversion to commercial heat supply in accordance with § 556c BGB. We are at your disposal for all your questions in connection with local and district heating and combined heat and power.

Our consulting services //

  • Preparation of heat supply contracts and cooling supply contracts taking into account the AVBFernwärmeV (German District Heating Ordinance)
  • Contractual and corporate law structuring of local and district heating concepts
  • Advice on joint ventures between property owners and contractors
  • Accompanying the project development of local and district heating networks
  • Advising housing associations on operating costs
  • Integration of heat pumps in existing heating concepts
  • Preparation of and advice in connection with district heating statutes
  • Monitoring of conflicts regarding heat prices and price adjustments and compatibility with the requirements of the AVBFerwärmeV

Our clients //

  • Project developers and operators of heating systems
  • Real estate company
  • Housing associations
  • Contractors/ heat suppliers
  • Service providers

Your contact persons

Dr. Florian Brahms

Dr. Florian Brahms

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catharina post

Catharina Post LL.M.

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Dr. Julian Asmus Nebel

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Dr. Mirko Sauer

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Do you have any questions or would you like to arrange a consultation? Then contact us via the contact form or call us on: +49 (0)30 5 156 565 0

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