Catharina Post LL.M.
Lawyer // Salary Partner // Mediator
German, French, English
Phone +49 (0) 30 515 65 65 0
Fields of expertise
Transactions and financing
Commercial and company law
German-French legal relations
Land law
Heat law
Energy industry
Real estate industry
Professional memberships, functions
German-French Office for the Energy Transition/
Office franco-allemand pour la transition énergétique e.V.
Integrated Mediation e.V.
Women of New Energies e.V.
VEDEC, Association for Energy Services Efficiency and Contracting e.V.
Catharina Post LL.M. was admitted to the German Federal Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer, BRAK) in 2010 and is a Salary Partner at the Berlin office. She advises project developers, energy providers, banks and investors as well as the public sector on all legal issues related to the development, acquisition and sale, financing and corporate structuring of energy projects, particularly in the field of wind and solar energy. Likewise, she advises her clients on regulatory and energy law issues in connection with grid connection, the EnWG and subsidies under the EEG and represents their interests in and out of court.
One of her main areas of practice is advising on Franco-German projects such as cross-border transactions and financing. She works in French and English with partner law firms in France with whom she has established a trusting working relationship over the years.
She also has experience and networks for consultancy related to sub-Saharan Africa.
As a mediator, Catharina Post supports conflict parties outside of court proceedings in finding solutions that are in line with their interests, e.g. in disputes between co-partners or contractual partners.
In addition, Ms Post regularly publishes specialist articles on current topics in energy law and gives lectures at relevant specialist conferences.
BRAHMS NEBEL & Kollegen mbB
Lawyer (Berlin) since 2022 also mediator
German-French energy boutique (Berlin)
Berlin Court of Appeal
Trainee lawyer with stations at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg) and at Gide Loyrette Nouel
Institut de Droit Comparé of the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (Paris)
Teaching and research assistants