// Co-generating

BGH about the right to amend price adjustment clauses in district heating contracts

On 23rd of April, the BGH heard a review of the ruling of the OLG Frankfurt am Main of 21st March 2019. The main hearing will take place on 3rd March 2019. OLG Frankfurt had affirmed that district heating utilities had infringed the UWG because they had informed their customers in a customer’s letter of a change in the price adjustment clauses. In the opinion of OLG Frankfurt a. M. was not allowed to change unilaterally the price adjustment clauses on the basis of AVBFernwärmeV and the customer’s letter was therefore misleading. The BGH annulled this ruling of the OLG Frankfurt and ruled that there was no infringement of the UWG. The district heating provider did not mislead its customers by giving false facts, but merely expressed its legal view, which was admissible. However, the BGH did not clarify the actual question of whether district heating utilities are entitled to unilaterally change their price adjustment clauses by means of public announce…
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// Co-generating

Common objective market within the meaning of the GWB for district heating and contracting

The Higher Regional Court of Rostock (OLG Rostock) ruled in a judgment of 5 July 1994. March 2019 on the nullity of a district heating supply contract on the basis of § 1 GWB i. V. m. § 134 BGB, which has been living between the heat supplier and the customer for several years. The Court of First Instance is of the opinion that, although supplying large customers with district heating or through heat contracting, it is a common product market. However, since in the specific case there was no impediment to the market, a nullity of the heat supply contract was not to be assumed. In addition, a ten-year contract term in view of the possible maturity agreement according to § 32 para. 1 AVBFernwärmeV does not contradict § 1 GWB, even in combination with a minimum purchase quantity. (OLG Rostock, Dec.. of. 5.3.2020 - Case No. : 16 U 1/18)
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// Co-generating

BNetzA reacts to the impact of the corona virus for tenders under the EEG and the KWKG

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is reacting to the effects of the corona virus and is adapting the mechanism for the tendering of renewable energies and CHP plants. The dates of the call for tenders and the implementation of the call for tenders will not be adjusted in the process. However, the successful bidders will not already be awarded the contract, but will first receive an assurance, so that the deadlines associated with the award will not yet begin to run. In addition, the BNetzA announces that for bids for #Wind energy on land and biomass that have already been awarded the implementation deadlines would be granted unbureaucratically by informal application.
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// Co-generating

Self-sufficiency & general electricity supply in the real estate industry

The #Clearingstelle #EEG #KWKG has already published on December 13, 2018, a notice on #self-sufficiency for so-called general electricity. Self-sufficiency within the meaning of § 61 EEG 2017 also applies in the case of personal identity between the plant operator and the operator of consumption facilities for cooling or heating parts of buildings, community lighting and lifts. In this respect, the Clearingstelle EEG KWKG creates legal clarity for the use of #solar plants and #BHWK in the real estate industry. At the same time, the necessary differentiation from other electrical quantities, e. g. #tenant electricity is pointed out. (Clearingstelle EEG KWKG, Note from 13. 12. 2018 - Ref. : 2018/10)
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// Co-generating

Market Master Data Register (MaStR) online now!

The Market Master Data Register (MaStR) is the register for the German electricity and gas market and is managed by the Federal Network Agency. In MaStR, the master data for electricity and gas generation plants must be registered. In addition, the master data of market players such as plant operators, grid operators, and energy suppliers must be registered. MaStR is available online not only to the authorities but also to market players and the public. At the same time, various existing registration obligations are to be bundled in the market master data register. Due to the repeated postponement of the opening of the web portal, however, the registration obligations could only be fulfilled insufficiently so far or had to be carried out for EEG plants in the plant register.
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// Co-generating

Simultaneous self-sufficiency in EEG 2012

Within the scope of application of the #EEG 2012, the district court Tübingen has determined that it is sufficient for self-sufficiency within the meaning of § 37 (3) sentence 2 of the EEG 2012 if the identity of persons between producer and consumer as well as the geographical proximity exist, taking into account the case law of the BFH. The principle of equality of time only came into force with the 2014 EEG and it is not possible to transfer it to the previous versions of the EEG, so that an annual netting between production and consumption can be carried out. (LG Tübingen, Decision of 14th September 2018 - Case Number.: 4 O 374/17)
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