// Energy law

District heating network as a sham component in the sense of the BGB

In the dispute about the district heating network in Stuttgart, the OLG Stuttgart ruled on 26. On 3 March 2020, the Federal State Capital, as the owner of the land, decided that the district heating network which had been laid on its land did not become the property of the City of Hamburg. Rather, the district heating transport system would remain the fictitious property of the operator EnBW. Nor, in the absence of a corresponding termination clause, does the contract of use concluded between the parties impose any obligation on EnBW to transfer ownership of the district heating network to the Land capital. The court only granted the Stuttgart company's auxiliary request that it, as the owner of the land, could demand the removal of the heat supply facilities after the concession contract had expired.
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// Energy law

Maturity interest on EEG levy in case of insufficient reporting by the utility company

On 18. 02. 2020, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) took a position on the question of whether interest on the EEG levy is to be paid when reporting insufficient quantities of electricity compared to the actual electricity supply. According to the judgment, an electricity supply undertaking infringes the notification obligation i. S. d. § 60 paragraph 4 sentence 2 EEG 2014 pursuant to § 74 sentence 1 EEG 2014 not only if it does not report any electricity supplied at all, but also if it notifies the transmission system operator of a lower quantity of electricity than that actually supplied to final consumers. By introducing maturity interest, the legislator wanted to prevent financing gaps arising for transmission system operators and to ensure that electricity supply companies do not gain an advantage from late payment and thus gain competitive advantages over compliant electricity supply companies ( BGH, Judgment. v. 18. 02. 2020 - Ref: XIII ZR 10/19)
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// Economy law

Obligation to file for insolvency is to be suspended due to the corona virus

Section § 15a InsO stipulates that managing directors of a GmbH and management board members of an AG must file for insolvency without undue delay, but no later than three weeks after the occurrence of insolvency or overindebtedness if their company becomes insolvent or overindebted. On 20. 03. 2020, the BMJV presented a draft law (CorInsAG) according to which this obligation to file for insolvency for companies affected by the Corona pandemic is to be suspended until 30. 09. 2020, unless the insolvency is not due to the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic or there is no prospect of eliminating an inability to pay that has occurred. It also creates incentives to inject new liquidity into the companies concerned and maintain business relations with them. In addition, for a three-month transitional period, the right of creditors to request the opening of insolvency proceedings will also be suspended. In addition, the draft law for the BMJV contains an authoriz…
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// Biogas

BNetzA reacts to the impact of the corona virus for tenders under the EEG and the KWKG

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is reacting to the effects of the corona virus and is adapting the mechanism for the tendering of renewable energies and CHP plants. The dates of the call for tenders and the implementation of the call for tenders will not be adjusted in the process. However, the successful bidders will not already be awarded the contract, but will first receive an assurance, so that the deadlines associated with the award will not yet begin to run. In addition, the BNetzA announces that for bids for #Wind energy on land and biomass that have already been awarded the implementation deadlines would be granted unbureaucratically by informal application.
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// Co-generating

National Hydrogen Strategy of the Federal Ministry of Economics

The Federal Ministry of Economics intends to significantly advance the production and use of hydrogen, and has now presented its ideas in this respect in a comprehensive draft of a "National Hydrogen Strategy";. According to the study, CO2-free hydrogen offers great industrial policy opportunities and, due to its many and varied applications, plays a central role in completing the energy revolution. German companies were already leading in hydrogen technologies. This global pioneering role should be secured; numerous measures should make Germany the leading producer of hydrogen produced on the basis of renewable energies.
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// Co-generating

Act to accelerate the expansion of power lines on the way

The Federal Government initiates the parliamentary procedure with the draft law for the acceleration of the power line extension of 28. 01. 2019 (BT-Drs. 19/7375). The Act provides for corrections to the Transmission System Network Expansion Acceleration Act"; (NABEG) as well as accompanying amendments to other laws, in particular the Energy Industry Act (EnWG). The law is to lead to an increase in transport capacities through the expansion and upgrading of the high-voltage and high-voltage grids. To this end, the planning and approval procedures in particular are to be simplified.
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